Poem Notes: Just Be

This poem plays on Buddhist and Eastern philosophical concepts. Just Be is the practice of dropping all duties and obligations for a moment and relaxing in the moment, appreciating everything around you without reflecting on or analyzing it.

Let it Be is the Beatle's song. Be Here Now is Ram Dass' book. I'm calling on them to initiate the practice. Comparison to the past and the future seems inevitable, but you can drop that too and exist solely in this moment.

In buddhism, there's an analogy of the teaching to a lotus flower, which flowers while it is producing a seedpod. That the flower and seed exist simultaneously is like the student who studies Buddhism but also has Buddhism as his or her inherent nature. Some say the flower is the cause and the seedpod is the effect and in the lotus flower they appear simultaneously, exemplifying how cause and effect are not separate - the cause is in fact the effect.

Ram Dass says the goal of all religions is liberation. We can see beyond the material world and it's practical constraints to find faith in a deeper, intrinsic system based on kindness and love. When we place the benefit of others equal to our own benefit then we don't have to defend our self at the expense of others. There's something magical about the practice of sharing - it builds community, so in giving, we also receive and by that shared joy we are liberated.

Read Just Be on page 195 of Flywheels.